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Neutrons for Science and Technology

This brochure of ENSA, the European Neutron Scattering Association, highlights some typical work from the academic and industrial user communities that has been chosen to illustrate the scope and potential of neutrons.

Neutrons for science and technology

© Atominstitut

Neutrons for science and technology

This brochure of ENSA, opens an external URL in a new window, the European Neutron Scattering Association, highlights some typical work from the academic and industrial user communities that has been chosen to illustrate the scope and potential of neutrons.

 Neutrons in the universe (p 26/27):


      - Particle & Astroparticle Physics

      - Neutron beta decay

      - Quantum Physics


      - Test of Gravitation with Quantum Interference 


Neutron scattering centres in Europe with TRIGA Mark II Reactor – TU Vienna, Austria, p 12.