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New paper published in the journal "Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology"

As part of the "BIM in tunnel construction" project, an article was published in the renowned journal "Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology" in collaboration with the Business Informatics Group at TU Wien and the Montanuniversität Leoben.

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A recent publication by the Construction Process and Methods research unit is entitled "Building Information Modeling in the execution phase of conventional tunneling projects". This article presents an IFC-driven process for the execution phase of cyclical tunneling projects. This approach extends the scope of IFC models with valuable information regarding processes, personnel, equipment and materials. An accompanying case study demonstrates how construction data from a conventional tunnel project can be represented using IFC. The results obtained show that IFC models provide the necessary concepts to effectively map the execution phase and that their implementation contributes significantly to the digital transformation in tunnel construction., opens an external URL in a new window