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Leiden Declaration on FAIR Digital Objects

The end and highlight of the 1st International Conference of FAIR Digital Objects was the signing of the Leiden Declaration on FAIR Digital Objects.

Stacked cubes - the logo of FAIR Digital Object forum conference

Logo of

The Leiden Declaration on FAIR Digital Objects

The 1st International Conference of FAIR Digital Objects (FDO2022, opens an external URL in a new window) concluded with the formal signing and publication of the "Leiden Declaration on FAIR Digital Objects, opens an external URL in a new window" on 28th October 2022. The signature is an opportunity for all working in research, technology, policy and beyond to support an unprecedented effort to further develop FAIR digital objects, open standards and protocols, and increased reliability and trustworthiness of data.

TU Wien, as representative of the Austrian GO FAIR National Office, expressed its support.

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If you also want to show your support, you can sign the declaration using the button at the end of this page:

1st Conference of FAIR Digital Objects - materials for download

The FAIR Digital Objects Forum

The FDO Forum, opens an external URL in a new window is a group of international experts from relevant research institutions and infrastructure initiatives committed to specify FAIR Digital Objects (FDO) and its components and to foster the implementation of an infrastructure ready to support FDOs practically. The FDO Forum will actively work together with working groups from other initiatives such as RDA, OAI, W3C, ISO, and IETF to achieve these goals.

As the name already indicates, the FAIR principles are the starting point of the considerations. Goal is to look for a variety of implementation models that meet the FDO requirements such as the DO and the LDP approaches. Work has already been done to develop the DO approach such as by CNRI, DONA and in a variety of RDA groups (Data Foundation & Terminology, PID Information Types, Data Type Registry, Kernel Information Types, Practical Policies, and Data Citation, to mention a few). Important software components have been developed and tested according to the RDA specifications and some communities now follow a DO centred approach in infrastructure building. The LDP approach based on the Web protocol stack is very well known, but also needs to address essential topics such as predictable PID resolution behaviour and machine actionable information. The basis of the FDO work will be the FDO Framework, opens an external URL in a new window that has been agreed upon during the Paris workshop, opens an external URL in a new window

The primary objectives of FDO Forum thus include:

  • Developing specifications for FDO and its components to make data intensive science more efficient and disseminate the knowledge about such specifications and components.
  • Push projects that implement such components in an integrated way to gather much more experience and to stepwise realise a usable infrastructure.
  • Aim at a global testbed project to test out the various components being produced.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien