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New Work - Learning Sprint for those who want to shape the future

Shape the new working world!

[Translate to English:] Menschen in einem co-working space

Our world of work has seen major changes due to megatrends such as digitalization and globalization. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated this transformation even more and poses enormous challenges for organizations.

In a constant battle for the best minds, the workplace and working conditions are crucial: what can you do as an organization to be attractive to these high potentials? Our new 6-day Learning Sprint on New Work addresses this question.

After this Learning Sprint you are able to:

  • redefine the requirements and needs of employees
  • create a legal framework for the office as well as home office
  • develop and implement modern work concepts in the light of new digital technologies

The program is designed for entrepreneurs, HR managers, managers in IT departments as well as executives and facility managers who want to shape the new working world.

We are starting on May 6, 2021! Join us and make your organization fit for the future! All details and registration can be found on our website. We offer a special discount to alumni of the Continuing Education Center!