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JSPS Alumni Club Award for Dr. Iris Mach

Dr. Iris Mach, head of the TU Wien research center JASEC, was recently awarded with the JSPS Alumni Club Award.

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The TU Wien research center JASEC (Japan Austria Science Exchange Center), headed by Dr. Iris Mach,
coordinates the scientific cooperation between all faculties of TU Wien and Japanese partner institutions. Besides mobility of researchers, teaching staff and students,  JASEC also advises on potential cooperation partners. Dr. Mach was recently awarded with the JSPS Alumni Club Award for the long-term support of the scientific exchange between TU Wien and Japanese universities. This years’ award ceremony was held at the annual JSPS symposium in Ulm, Germany, and was presented by Prof. Dr. Heinrich Menkhaus, head of the JSPS Alumni Club. The award was launched by the JSPS Alumni Club in 2013 for outstanding achievements regarding the promotion of the scientific exchange, cooperation and networking between Japan and German-speaking countries (Germany, Switzerland and Austria). It has since been awarded yearly to one or two Japanese and/or European scientists.  The prize comprises a return ticket to Japan and a two-week JR-pass for transportation throughout the country.  

To further exchange: JASEC and JSPS
The Japan Austria Science Exchange Center (JASEC) was founded in 2014 in succession to the previously existing "Key Station" (headed by Prof. Dr. Emmerich Simoncsics). As a research center under the Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, it coordinates the scientific cooperation between all faculties of TU Wien and Japanese partner institutions. In addition to fostering the mobility of researchers and teaching staff, JASEC also supports students of both countries in the framework of university partnerships and offers advice regarding research grants and potential cooperation partners. Since the first agreement with the University of Tokyo was signed in 1981, the TU Wien has continuously expanded its network to a total of currently 14 Japanese partner institutions.

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (日本学術振興会 Nihon Gakujutsu Shinkō Kai, JSPS or Gakushin) is an independent administrative institution in Japan, established for the purpose of contributing to the advancement of science in all fields of the natural and social sciences and the humanities. It was founded in 1932 as a non-profit foundation through an endowment granted by the emperor of Japan. It can be regarded as the Japanese counterpart to the FWF (Austrian Science Fund).

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