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MSc ETIA: video interview with Alumna Joanne Liou

“Especially if you don’t come from a science background, this is the introduction that you need”, says Joanne Liou about our MSc Environmental Technology & International Affairs (ETIA).

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MSc ETIA: Interview with Alumna Joanne Liou

Joanne Liou graduated in 2020 from our MSc Environmental Technology & International Affairs (ETIA). She currently works at the Office of Public Information and Communication at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 

We took the opportunity to interview her right after the ceremony to hear her thoughts on why she applied for the program, her personal highlights and her plans for the future. Check it out!

Do you want to help shape the future of politics and environment? Then apply for our MSc Environmental Technology and International Affairs (ETIA), offered jointly with the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, opens an external URL in a new window.