All news at TU Wien

Info-Mail 01/2022

VAT regulations from 1 January 2022, Entry of credit card settlements, Closure of FWF projects (T-internal orders), Document overview in SAP Services, Purchases at Amazon, Procurement of interior furnishings and equipment, E-mail enquiries


  1. VAT regulations from 1 January 2022
  2. Entry of credit card settlements
  3. Closure of FWF projects (T-internal orders)
  4. Document overview in SAP Services
  5. Purchases at Amazon
  6. Procurement of interior furnishings and equipment
  7. E-mail enquiries

1. VAT regulations from 1 January 2022

The reduced tax rate of 5% has expired and the following tax rates apply again:

  • Gastronomy – sale of food (10 %) and drinks (20 %)
  • Tourism – accommodation in furnished living and sleeping quarters (10 %)
  • Culture – importation of works of art (13 %) – certain cultural activities, e.g. artists and showpeople (13 %)
  • Publications – supply, import and intra-community purchases of books (10 %)

2. Entry of credit card settlements

There are repeated delays in entering credit card settlements. Direct debits take place at the end of the month, by which time the settlement should already be entered in SAP. Responsibility for the processing and transmission of documents lies with the credit card holder.

As the administrative effort for dealing with queries about late document entry is growing all the time, in future we will charge the originator. For all documents not entered within five working days after the end of the month, in future we will charge a processing fee of 20% of the settlement amount, with a minimum of EUR 10.00.

3. Closure of FWF projects (T-internal orders, §26)

The conclusion of ad personam FWF projects (§26) is initiated by the FWF Audit Department and subsequently by the Project Controlling and Support Service Unit. Colleagues from the Service Unit contact the project leaders after the end of the project. Any remaining funding should only be transferred back to FWF after such contact has been made.

Transfer of remaining funds to FWF: when creating the credit memo request, the e-mail from the Project Controlling and Support Service Unit showing the amount to be transferred back must be uploaded in SAP Services.

Entry via SAP Services: create "credit memo request" with the short text "Transfer of remaining funds FWF project no. xxx", enter the remaining funds amount and change to the current date.

4. Document overview in SAP Services

In the "Finance" tile, the "Document overview" tab displays documents for outgoing and incoming invoices, purchase orders and credit memos in which you yourself are or were involved (e.g. an invoice was uploaded, releases were made, etc.). In the "Status" column, you can see which workflow step the respective document or request is currently at. Click on the "eye symbol" for details.

5. Purchases at Amazon

The central Amazon Business Account of TU Wien is now active for the whole of TU Wien. From now on, purchases on Amazon can only be made via this account; purchases via other TU accounts or private accounts (refunds, private sales) are no longer permitted. You can find more information at:, opens an external URL in a new window

6. Procurement of interior furnishings and equipment

Due to increased purchases of interior furnishings and equipment by institutes, we would like to point out once again (see Info mail 01/2021) that furnishings and equipment are to be agreed and handled exclusively with the Real Estate and Facility Management Central Division. In any case, decorations and indoor plants must be funded privately.

You can find the equipment catalogue at, opens an external URL in a new window

7. E-mail enquiries

Enquiries to the Service Units of the Finance Department should be sent to the following contact addresses, which are always monitored even in case of holidays or sick leave. Please do not send e-mail enquiries to individual colleagues in the Finance Department.



Projectcontrolling and Projectsupport:


Finance general: