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Information for applicants: The FFG call IKT der Zukunft and DMPs

The funding agency FFG requires mandatory data management plans in the IKT der Zukunft call 2020. We have compiled the information from the latest workshop on this topic.

[Translate to English:] Post its saying Q and A

On 22 February 2021, the second part of the interactive workshop "Deep Dive into Data for Applicants" took place with the participation of the Center for Research Data Management at TU Wien. 

The workshop was organised by the Data Intelligence Offensive, opens an external URL in a new window (DIO) and aimed at consortia interested in submitting to the IKT der Zukunft call. The aim was to equip participants with know-how on data management for the submission.

DMP required for project submission

Applicants are required to submit a data management plan (DMP) as an annex to the project description. The FFG regards the DMP as a "living document" which must be updated with the submission of reports.

All researchers at TU Wien who need help writing a DMP, who are looking for a suitable template, or would like to have their DMP cross-checked can contact us at Instructions for DMP creation and further information can also be found on our DMP website.

To read and listen

The entire workshop was recorded and is available to you free of charge as a YouTube video. Please note that the recording and most of the slides are available in German only:

You can find all the slides here:

Materials on further workshops

FAQs, recordings and PPT slides of other workshops organised by DIO on behalf of the BMK and the FFG within the framework of the ICT of Tomorrow Call for Proposals 2020 can be found here:


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien