All news at TU Wien

immQu Award „Best of Five 2023“

immQu Award "Best of Five 2023" in the Perchtlsaal of the TU Vienna - Academy for Continuing Education, where the best five students of the postgraduate real estate training institutions in Austria were awarded.

immQu Awards are ready, four participants are standing in front of them.

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Christian Maurice Frick, Alumni of TU Vienna, receives award

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Manuel Hacker presents his Master's thesis

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Monika Herbstrith-Lappe gives her keynote speech "The future needs confidence. Together we can do it!"

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The winner of the best Master's thesis is chosen.

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All award winners are gathered at the podium.

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Awarding of the "Best of Five" at the Immograduates Gala

On Thursday 19.10.23 the best graduates of the Immo Universities were awarded for the seventh time at the "Best of Five Immograduates Gala". This time the ceremony took place in the Prechtlsaal of the Vienna University of Technology, hosted by the Academy for Continuing Education. The well-attended event was a complete success and a worthy setting for all award winners.

Two alumni of the Academy for Continuing Education were present

Christian Maurice Frick was awarded as the best student of the TU Vienna class of 2023, who completed the MSc Real Estate Management & Valuation from 2021-23. Mr. Manuel Hacker was also invited to present his master's thesis. This is entitled "Analysis of the Vienna rental housing market - discussion of the effects of urban development areas and activities of the city, housing cooperatives and investors on rent levels in Vienna" (the full thesis can be found here:

Keynote Together we can do it!

Another highlight of the event was the keynote speech by Monika Herbstrith-Lappe entitled "The future needs confidence. Together we can do it!” which shortened the time for all participants until the winner of the Immo Master Thesis 2023 was chosen.

The event came to an end with a convivial evening, during which many contacts were made, discussions held and the buffet was enjoyed. We are already looking forward to seeing who will be chosen as the winner of next year's master's thesis!