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IBPSA Distinguished Achievement Award for Prof. Dr. Ardeshir Mahdavi

With this Award, Prof. Dr. Mahdavi has been recognized as a member of a select group of scholars in the field of building science, whose contributions have significantly advanced the state of pertinent knowledge.

Prof. Dr. Ardeshir Mahdavi is currently the Director of the Department of Building Physics and Building Ecology and the Director of the Graduate Studies Program in "Building Science and Technology" at TU Wien. Prior to that he was a full tenured Professor of Architecture and Building Physics at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (USA).

Additionally Prof. Dr. Mahdavi has held positions and activities in numerous other countries, including Singapore, Brazil, Turkey, Germany, and India. His area of research and teaching covers building physics and building ecology, computational building performance simulation, design and operation methods for energy-efficient and sustainable buildings, building informatics, building monitoring, diagnostics, controls, and automation.

Professor Mahdavi has directed a number of internationally influential research efforts pertaining to integrated computational design support and building performance simulation systems, eco-efficient buildings, indoor climate, building automation, integration of simulation capability in BIM, urban climate modelling, urban energy modelling, human factors and behavioural models of buildings’ inhabitants.

Amongst other contributions, he has pioneered the application of simulation-based predictive building systems control methods and the introduction of human ecological reasoning in building science and building performance computing.

For further information on the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) Award <link http: _blank>click here.