All news at TU Wien

i²c StartAcademy

The i²c StartAcademy is an innovative research commercialization format for scientists. Submit your proposal by January 15th, 2017 latest.

The i²c StartAcademy is a 3 days’ intense workshop for academics from all disciplines of TUW interested in technology transfer.

  • What is the commercialization potential of my research project?
  • How to identify and/or validate my business model?
  • How to do my valuation and finances right?
  • How to attract investments?

If you and your team ask yourself these kind of questions - or you didn’t even know what best to ask in this regard - you are the scientists this call is addressing.

Take the opportunity offered by the Innovation Incubation Center (i²c) and submit your proposal by January 15th, 2017 latest.

What: i²c StartAcademy
When: 21-23 of February 2017
Where:  Prechtlsaal, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna
Agenda: The detailed program will be sent to the selected participants by email
Application Deadline: January 15th, 2017 by email <link> 
PITCH-Challenge: 24 of February 2017 at the i²c Networking Friday

The i²c StartAcademy offers

  • a discussion on the project potential (funded research results, PhD projects, etc.)
  • mentoring and advice from inter-/national trainers, experts, entrepreneurs, business angels, …
  • insights into methods and tools to set up a business model and corresponding finance scheme
  • an open and collaborative, interdisciplinary atmosphere,
  • marketing advise and insights into the 101 on how to present to investors (pitch training)
  • access to the inter-/national founders and investors network of the i²c and Startup community
  • participation in the Pitch-Challenge on the i²c Networking Friday with awards like (more to be announced)
    • i²c High Potential PhD Award (a EUR 5000 scholarship grant to fully focus on research commercialization after the PhD at the TUW i²ncubator including a desk space in the FounderSpace)
    • admission to the TUW i²ncubator (jury decision)
    •  participation in one of the pitch challenges of the „go-international“ programs of Aussenwirtschaft Austria (depending on the most valuable market for your project, eg. London, Tel Aviv, Hongkong, Silicon Valley)
    • an investment pitch at AAIA (Austrian Angel Investment Association)

How to apply?
Send an email to <link> containing the following:

  • an abstract of the project
  • a synopsis of your expectations on the StartAcademy program

The project/PhD has to be in progress or completed. We recommend 2-3 team members per project to attend the workshop. Participation is limited to 10 projects.

Your application will be reviewed by an expert jury and upon their decision you will be notified on the status of your application.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact <link> or use the email provided for submission <link>