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i²c Diploma Supplement on Innovation: Call for applications now open!

It’s time again for applications! The Innovation Incubation Center (i²c) opens the call for the already 7th class of the Diploma Supplement on Innovation, the international supplementary curriculum providing a premium, hands-on education on intra- und entrepreneurship for bachelor/master/PhD students of TU Wien, which is unique in international comparison.

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The <link https: _blank link_extern>i²c is offering the <link http: home are-you-a-student about-the-diploma-supplement-on-innovation _blank link_extern>Diploma Supplement on Innovation since 2012, when it started as an education on intra- und entrepreneurship for master students of the faculty of informatics only. Since 2016, the curriculum is open for all students (bachelor, master and PhD) from all TUW-faculties. The next class will start in October 2018 and pitch their innovative projects at the Diploma Demo Day in June 2019.

For this class, the i²c is now calling for applications from excellent TUW-students, who …

… have an innovative (business) idea but no clue how to realize it.
… are interested in bringing their research or (seminar) project result to market.
… want to learn more about intra- and entrepreneurship.
… want to found their own company or work in the corporate innovation field.

In the curriculum the students will …

  • get trained in innovation management, creative idea generation, design thinking, prototyping/MVP, business modelling, finances (national and international), legal issues (business law, intellectual property rights, patent right and research, licensing), teambuilding, leadership, conflict management, human resources, marketing, sales, PR, pitching and more
  • generate and shape their own innovative idea
  • get educated by experienced experts in their respective field and guest lecturers from internationally renowned universities
  • implement the lessons learned in their own project
  • have access to i²c’s inter-/national network of lecturers, mentors, founders, investors, industry and science partners and i²c alumni
  • work together with like-minded students from different backgrounds in interdisciplinary teams
  • get the chance to be accepted into the <link http: tuwi2ncubator _blank link_extern>TUW i²ncubator to further develop their project



  • Duration: October 2018 – June 2019 (two semesters)
  • Language: English
  • Total workload: 30 ECTS
  • Group size: Max. 25 students
  • Format: Part-time (evening and weekend lectures)
  • Format of lectures: Input-sessions, individual and group exercises, discussions, presentations, workshops, events, excursions and outdoor seminars

Info Event

Monday, May 7th 2018, 6 p.m.
TU Wien, Gußhausstraße 27-29, 3rd floor, lecture room EI 11 Geodäsie
Registration: <link http: dsoi-infoevent _blank>, opens an external URL in a new window



  • Required documents: Proof of academic success (e.g. certificates of completed studies, transcript of records of current study), letter of motivation, curriculum vitae
  • Send your application (in English and united in one single PDF file - file name includes your name) to <link>
  • The detailed application process is available <link https: _blank>online.

Application Deadline: May 27th 2018

The Innovation Incubation Center (i²c) is looking forward to meeting interested students at the info event and receiving promising applications!



Contact the Program Manager Nathalie Köck via e-mail (<link> or phone (+43-1-58801-406671).