All news at TU Wien

How our repository makes your data visible to the world

TU Wien Research Data (TUWRD) facilitates management of research data and ensure its findability by indexing research data in data and repository catalogues.

Logos of the various services mentioned in the text.

TU Wien Research Data is an institutional repository of TU Wien to enable storing, sharing, and publishing of research data. It facilitates the funders' requirements for open access to research data and the FAIR principles by making research output findable, accessible, interoperable, and re-usable.

In order to ensure that digital objects deposited into TUWRD can be discovered by everyone on the internet and to addresse most of the researchers, publishers and funders requirements for selection of a data repository for research data, TUWRD collaborates with different organisations and services.

DOI minting through DataCite

TUWRD mints a DOI for each deposited digital object. This means that each object gets a unique identifier and the metadata is also sent to DataCite that is one of the aggregators of information on digital objects.

The DOI is automatically added to the metadata record and displayed publicly. Metadata and the link to a public landing page are stored in DataCite, and updated when the item is revised.


TUWRD allows OpenAIRE to harvest metadata using OAI-PMH protocol. OpenAIRE is also one of the aggregators of information on digital objects. Not only about publications, but also other digital objects such as research data.

OpenAIRE provides statistics on the datasets reported by our repository. For example, the number and type of annual uploads can be displayed. You can get an insight into the statistics in the OpenAIRE explorer, opens an external URL in a new window.


TUWRD is registered in FAIRSharing that is a curated resource on data and metadata standards, inter-related to databases and data policies.

FAIRsharing aims at linking repositories, like TU Wien Research Data, with standards, policies and other relevant components of research data management. You can find the Record for TUWRD at, opens an external URL in a new window.


Re3data, opens an external URL in a new window helps to identify appropriate repositories for storage and search of research data and many funders consider repositories as legitimate only when they are listed in the re3data catalogue.

TUWRD is registered in re3data. Here you find a compact description and classification of our repository: TU Wien Research Data |, opens an external URL in a new window.


TUWRD is currently in the registration process in BASE, opens an external URL in a new window, the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine. BASE is one of the world's most voluminous data catalogues.

By registering in BASE, TUWRD will be indexed by an effective and targeted search engine that retrieves high quality and academically relevant results where data garbage and spam should not occur.


TUWRD is currently in the registration process in B2FIND, opens an external URL in a new window. B2FIND is the EUDAT metadata indexing service: a discovery portal which allows users to find data collections within an international and inter-disciplinary scope.

By registering in B2FIND, TUWRD will be made accessible through a comprehensive metadata catalogue of research data collections stored in EUDAT data centres and community repositories.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien