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"Help, the Alps are burning!"

In ‘Help, the Alps are burning!’, our former employee and graduate student Theresa Janesch has looked at ideas for a climate action plan for the town of Lienz.

The picture shows three printed copies of Theresa Janesch's thesis.

© Theresa Janesch

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"Hilfe, die Alpen glühen!"

The picture shows Theresa Janesch at her graduation ceremony.

© Theresa Janesch

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Graduation Theresa Janesch

The plan locates spatial structures and measures that both promote climate-friendly behaviour and support climate protection and adaptation to climate change. First, the need for a spatial climate plan is explained and the effects of climate change on Alpine towns are analysed. In addition, existing climate plans and tools for the Alpine region are analysed.

The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of the future, especially for the Alpine region, which is warming faster than other areas. In order to counter the effects of climate change, a transformation of spatial structures in Alpine cities is necessary. Spatial planning can play an important role here. Although climate plans already exist, there is often a lack of integrated, spatial measures.

The special features of the city of Lienz are presented in a profile containing climate-relevant data. An analysis of the current structures shows how climate-friendly Lienz currently is. Finally, a climate-friendly spatial structure for Lienz is outlined in a vision, supplemented by visualisations and 60 specific measures. The effect of these measures is reflected on the basis of a comparison of the current and planned structures.

Theresa Janesch was also significantly involved in the content and graphic design of the ‘ISEK hoch 4 - Integriertes räumliches Innenstadtentwicklungskonzept für den SÜD ALPEN RAUM’ (integrated regional development concept) for the towns of Bruncek, Hermagor-Pressegger See, Lienz and Spital an der Drau in the Southern Alpine region. The project is also worth a look here.

Congratulations on this great work and on your graduation on 17 October 2024!

Further information on the work:

Repositum TU Library: reposiTUm: Hilfe, die Alpen glühen! Überlegungen zu einem Klimaraumplan für die Stadt Lienz (, opens an external URL in a new window

Climate Change Centre Austria: Hilfe, die Alpen glühen! Überlegungen zu einem Klimaraumplan für die Stadt Lienz - Climate Change Centre Austria (, opens an external URL in a new window

Further information on the ISEK hoch 4: - ISEK4 (, opens an external URL in a new window

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