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Helena Kremp receives award for her doctoral thesis

The award ceremony took place on 4 December at the Freie Universität Berlin.

[Translate to English:] Prof. Dr. Günter M. Ziegler mit Helena Kremp und Dr. Matthias Dannenberg

Videos of the award winners, opens an external URL in a new window [1] that describe their research were presented during the award ceremony. The laudatory speech was given by the head of the awarding committee for the Ernst-Reuter-Prize, Prof. Dr. Hermann KREUTZMANN. The Ernst-Reuter-Prize, opens an external URL in a new window is awarded every year since 1985 to the up to four best doctoral theses from four different areas of study at the FU Berlin in collaboration with the Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft.

Helena KREMP successfully finished her doctoral studies in April 2023 at the Freie Universität Berlin. The topic of her thesis was "Topics in particle systems and singular SDEs" (assessor: Prof. Dr. Nicolas PERKOWSKI). Since then she worked as a project assistant at ASC in the research group of Prof. Máté GERENCSÉR. On 1.1.2025 she will be starting a postdoc at TU Berlin as well as Weierstraß Institut in Berlin (WIAS), where she will be working on a CRC/TRR388 project headed by Prof. Dr. Peter FRIZ and Dr. Matthias LIERO.

ASC congratulates her on her success and wishes her all the best for the future.