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Graduation ceremony for the MSc Real Estate Investment & Valuation

For the 25th time, the alumni celebrated their successful graduation with their guests.

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[Translate to English:] IMBW 2022

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[Translate to English:] IMBW 2022

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[Translate to English:] IMBW 2022

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[Translate to English:] IMBW 2022

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[Translate to English:] IMBW 2022

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Friday, May 13th, 2022 was a good day this time: The graduation ceremony for the 25th cohort of the MSc Real Estate Investment& Valuation took place in the atmospheric Kuppelsaal of TU Wien.

After the alumni and guests of honor had moved in, the academic director, Ao.Univ.Prof. Arch. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Bob Martens FRICS welcomed all guests of the celebration and acknowledged the great commitment of the graduates as well as the support of friends and family.

This time, the speech was held by a graduate of this master's program, Mag. Guido Zorn, Partner of Bischof · Zorn + Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH, opens an external URL in a new window – part of Die Wirtschaftskanzlei, opens an external URL in a new window. He checked the seven reasons listed on the website for this program and came to the conclusion, that for him, all points were fulfilled. He also emphasized how impressive the range of the master's thesis topics were and what contribution they made to the real estate industry. Bischof · Zorn + Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH wants to support this contribution and is promoting the master's thesis on a legal topic with the BZP Award. The prize, which was awarded for the first time, went to Dipl.-Ing. David Marhold, BA BSc MSc on the topic "The contribution of the WEG novella 2022 to achieve climate policy goals". Since Mr. Marhold was unfortunately unable to be present, his sister, Dr. Katharina Habeler-Marhold took over the prize on his behalf.

In the official part of the graduation ceremony, the graduates received their academic degree.

Congratulations to the alumni of the MSc Real Estate Investment and Valuation:

  • Mag. Ulrike Brunner-Gallner, MBA
  • Daniil Elperin, BSc
  • Georg Florian Foltin, BA
  • Eryk Gajewski, BSc (WU)
  • Camila Gasser, BA
  • Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Hasslinger
  • Lorena Hillinger, BSc
  • Magdalena Hofbauer, MSc
  • Özge Kocabas
  • Mag. Christoph Lehner
  • Julie Lenz, MBA
  • Dipl.-Ing. David Marhold, BA BSc MSc
  • Dipl.-Ing. Birgit Müllner, BSc
  • Mag. Marvin Neuhauser
  • Mag. Sebastian Pils
  • Ing. Matthias Polzer, MBA
  • Victoria Reichard
  • Matthias Rimpf, BSc
  • Mag. Iur. Filip Rosa
  • Ing. Michael Sandriesser, BSc
  • Clemens Stangelberger, MA
  • Mag. Johannes Stattmann, MA
  • Dr. Johannes Stowasser
  • Andreas Strasser, BSc
  • Dipl.-Ing. Ernst Strohmayer
  • Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Stefanie Tupy
  • Mag. Bibiane Waldstein-Wartenberg
  • Georg Zoltan

As alumni spokeswoman, Dipl.-Ing. Birgit Müllner, BSc looked back on two eventful, enriching and also challenging years. She especially thanked her family and friends for their support during her studies and also highlighted the excellent networking in the group - even if some of the development took place in the digital space, lifelong connections developed through the time spent together.

After the end of the official ceremony, the alumni celebrated with their families, friends and guests of honor.

We wish our graduates all the best and great success on their further path!