All news at TU Wien

Google awards TU Wien

International recognition for the strong engagement of TU Wien in open source software.

A significant share of today's science is driven by computational studies, for which researchers continuously develop new algorithms and improve existing ones. It is considered good practice to not only publish research results in scientific publications, but to also make the developed codes freely available to the public as open source software. Such continuous research efforts have resulted in several open source software projects at the TU Wien.

These projects formed a loose association named 'Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien' and have already taken part successfully in the 'Google Summer of Code' four times.

Google Summer of Code
Google provides funding for students from all over the world within their 'Google Summer of Code' program in order for them to work on open source software projects during their free period in summer. The participating organizations are selected by Google based on applications received at the beginning of the respective year.
Participating organizations include the Linux Kernel, Mozilla (Firefox), and Wikimedia (Wikipedia), but also organizations with a scientific focus such as CERN or the TU Wien.

Award for repeated successful participation
A primary objective of the "Google Summer of Code" is to enable students to work on projects adequate to their education during the free period in summer.

This objective has been achieved with outstanding success at the TU Wien:
Not only is the number of participating students from TU Wien above average, but the participating open source projects from TU Wien have also mentored a total of 40 Students from 16 different countries already.

In appreciation of these achievements, Google awarded a recognition plaque at their annual mentor summit at the Silicon Valley, California, USA, to the TU Wien, represented by Jürgen Weidinger und Karl Rupp.

Web links: Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien: <link http: cse index.html>, opens an external URL in a new window

Florian Rudolf, Josef Weinbub, Karl Rupp
Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien
Gußhausstraße 27-29/E360, 1040 Vienna
T: +43-1-58801-36054