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Guest lecture: Prof. Dr Peter Dannenberg

The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania – Sustainable Spatial Development through the integration in global production networks?

Eventposter, Gastvortrag von Peter Dannenberg

The Research Department Urban and Regional Research cordially invites you to the guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Peter Dannenberg! The event will be moderated by rer.nat Franziska Sielker.

Topic of the event? The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania – Sustainable Spatial Development through the integration in global production networks?
When? 26.01.2023 - 15:00 bis 16:00 Uhr 
Where? Karlsgasse 11, 1040 Wien | Seminarraum EBEG-3 

His main areas of research:

  • Conceptual: Global Value Chains, Global Production Networks, Clusters and Innovative Milieus, Institutional and Resource Economics
  • Content: Urban and regional development, information and communication technology (ICT), organisation and networking of trade and production, human-environment relations, environmental and social standards, sustainability, land use conflicts, agriculture and rural areas.
  • Regional: Sub-Saharan Africa, European Union, Central and Eastern Europe, Berlin

You can find more information under this Link, opens an external URL in a new window.