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Female planning pioneers: 100 years of good behavior is enough

[Translate to English:] Pionierinnen

As part of the 100-year anniversary, numerous young spatial planners, architects and civil engineers became involved; they spent a whole year looking at female role models in the field of planning. Women who consistently followed their professional paths as planners were brought to the fore at an exhibition (vernissage on 5 December 2019). These female planners were pioneers who had to deal with discrimination and unfairness in different ways. In spite of all this, they reached their goals while forming differing opinions about what discrimination means for each individual.

What all female pioneers have in common is that they had to (and still have to) deal with their self-conception as women and their place in society. Hence in addition to providing a rich trove of information, the publication, which came out in July 2020, should also encourage women to actively shape their (professional) paths, and be inspired and empowered by looking at the achievements of preceding pioneer women.

Download: Publication '100 Jahre brav sind genug', opens an external URL in a new window (PDF)