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Faculty Spotlight: Univ.-Prof. DDr. Thomas Ratka, LL.M.

Interview with Prof. Thomas Ratka, LL.M., Vice Rector for Educational Affairs / Academic Continuing Education and lecturer in the General Management MBA

Thomas Ratka

What do you think is special about the General Management MBA programme?

The programme is characterized above all by the fact that it is a sound and broad-based additional education in economics with a special (but not exclusive) focus on technicians. You won't find this anywhere else in the continuing education sector. Another special feature is its consistency: many MBA programs come and go quite fast, but here for 20 years a whole generation of non-economists has been trained and educated here, forming a network even after graduation; this is a clear indication of the high quality. It should also be emphasized that not only is practical relevance important - knowledge imparted in this way would have a much too short half-life - but that a scientifically sound understanding is also created on a macro level.

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