All news at TU Wien

Field trip to Doka GmbH on 2023-07-03

The students of our institute experienced an exciting insight into the construction of Doka formwork including a factory tour and hands-on session during the field trip on 2023-07-03 in Amstetten.

In an assembly hall, students set up a formwork.

Amstetten, 3rd of July 2023, meeting point in front of the provincial headquarters of Doka Österreich GmbH at Josef Umdasch Platz 1.

Already from the outside we look at the building full of interest. From the inside, too, the provincial headquarters lets us take a look. The high, open room with various seating options is the first thing that catches our eye. Passing the secretary on the 1st floor, we then pass the showroom, where we already get the first glimpses of what could possibly await us...

The complete report by Franziska Fabsits and Isabel Weber can be read as a PDF file in the attachment. German only.