All news at TU Wien

Excursion Zirkusgasse

Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of a machine on the construction site

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the construction site

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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In May 2022, the students of the Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanics lecture in SS 2022 visited a construction site in Zirkusgasse as the first of two excursions. This is a school, which is to be extended by an underground gymnasium. The group, consisting of students, assistants and Prof. Adam, was first welcomed by Keller employees. From a conveniently located classroom, it was possible to gain an overview of the construction project and to get a more detailed explanation of the construction methods used. Subsequently, the group was divided up and guided around the construction site in small groups. This gave us the opportunity to observe at close range the execution of an underpinning using the jet jet method and the production of Kelly bored piles, which were equipped with energy absorbers. Finally, there was the opportunity to discuss open questions over a snack and to end the excursion in a professional discourse.

A big thank you to Keller as well as to Mr. DI Nagy, DI Nagl, DI Dolesch and DI Flor for this uncomplicated and interesting construction site excursion.