All news at TU Wien

Excursion S36 Unzmarkt

Photo of the construction site

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the construction site

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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As part of the lecture Rock and Tunnel Construction, a group of interested students visited the construction site for the expansion of the Murtal expressway S36 - construction lot 05 in Unzmarkt. An already completed slope stabilization, as well as the underfloor route under construction, were visited.

DI Wolfgang Grafl welcomed the students to the ASFINAG construction office and gave an overview of the project, which is extremely complex from a geological, geotechnical and political point of view. Based on this, DI Ditmar Kreysler went into detail about the geological conditions and the choice of the route, as well as the geotechnical investigations carried out. DI Georg Aigner presented the production of the underfloor routes in cut-and-cover construction and some facts and figures about the project.

The special foundation engineering measures in the course of construction lot 05 were taken over by the company Keller Grundbau. Mr. Binder presented the production of piped SOB piles for the construction of the underfloor route, as well as the anchor production for the support measure east of the underfloor route. After the detailed presentations on the key data of the construction project, the construction site was visited, so that the students got an insight into the complexity of an infrastructure project in a densely populated area.

Afterwards, to the delight of the students, there was a snack in the construction office before returning to Vienna. A big thank you to Mr. DI Grafl, Mr. DI Eckhardt, Mr. DI Kreysler, Mr. DI Aigner, Mr. Binder and Mr. DI Hippacher for the exciting construction site visit.