All news at TU Wien

Excursion researchproject Unteres Hausfeld

Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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As part of the lecture Rock and Tunnel Construction, interested students visited the construction site of the Unteres Hausfeld research project in Vienna. After arriving by subway and a short walk to the construction site, the insight into the ongoing research project in the construction container started with a lecture by Dr. Stefan Blovsky. On two test fields next to an ÖBB railway embankment, the essential construction methods of special foundation engineering, such as large bored piles, micropiles, jet blasting methods and anchorages, are produced. They are erected in the Danube gravel and in the underlying Miocene, equipped with measurement technology and subjected to pressure or tension. An overview of the various deep foundation elements that are tested here and the sensors required for the measurements were given. Then we went out to the construction site, where a test load was underway and was closely monitored. All questions of the interested students were answered by Mr. Wagner. The aim of this project is to determine reference values of the Viennese subsoil in order to enable a more resource-efficient use of building materials.