All news at TU Wien

Excursion A5 Nord-Autobahn (Lower Austria) and Boehringer-Ingelheim (Vienna)

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© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the group

Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the group

Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the group

Photo of the group

© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

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Photo of the group

As part of the lecture Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanics (Bachelor's degree), an excursion to two current construction projects in Lower Austria and Vienna took place at the end of the semester. Our first visit was to the A5 Nord motorway project, a new section of motorway in Lower Austria up to the Czech border, which is currently under construction between Schrick and Poysdorf. After the welcome by Mr. Michael Hajdin (Local Building Supervision) and the geotechnical engineer, Mr. Fritz Krejcarek (BGG), in the info box in Wilfersdorf, the cement stabilization of the base courses was first visited. Since the soil present here (primarily loess and loess loam in the upper meters) can be used as a dam fill material and partly also as a base course with the help of stabilization (primarily by means of lime-cement and cement), "terrain modelling" can be significantly reduced. Furthermore, one of the bridge structures was visited, during the foundation of which landslides due to hydraulic failure occurred several times. The solution strategy by means of removal and stabilization of the new abutment slope to be built as well as the reinforcement of the abutment by additional piles and pile head slab were briefly explained. Afterwards, a small excursion into road construction took place, the practically fully automated concrete paver was just in operation and was inspected in detail. This was followed by the second project in Vienna, more precisely in Hetzendorf to the construction site of the new biopharmaceutical center of Boehringer-Ingelheim, a large pharmaceutical company that is expanding its branch in Vienna. Here, after a short introduction by Dipl.-Ing. Marek Szabo (3P Geotechnics) in the construction container, the construction site with various deep foundation elements was visited. The special feature of this project is the location directly above the Lainzer Tunnel with low overburden and the associated spatial limitation of the deep foundation. With the help of prestressed slab beams, the tunnel is spanned and the loads are transferred into the ground next to the tunnel structure. Both the drilling of piles using the Kelly drilling method and the concreting of a pile using the contractor method were followed live. In addition, the lid construction method is used, in which the excavated material was inspected under the already manufactured lid. At the edge of the excavation pit, wells are visible, which are necessary for groundwater management. Finally, the device for the jet jet method was shown, with which DSV bodies are produced in the spaces between the dissolved, anchored bored pile walls. It was also possible to inspect pre-tensioned anchors that had already been installed. During the course of the day, the students gained a very interesting insight into the implementation of various construction measures, especially in connection with the various geotechnical aspects. (Photo credit: D. Adam and C. Appl)