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EULiST students possess a strong understanding of the importance of RDM

At the First EULiST Student Conference, which took place at TU Wien from 30.6. to 4.7.2024, Tomasz Miksa and Florina Piroi led an interactive session on research data management (RDM).

The image shows the evaluation of a digital survey with the question at the top and below it a representation of the percentage of participants who chose which of the five possible answers.

There is still a lack of data repositories - or knowledge about them - at the EULiST partner institutions.

The alliance EULiST - European Universities Linking Society and Technology, opens an external URL in a new window, aims to create a joint European University to make Europe tangible and experiential for all university members and students. Established in 2020, EULiST is part of the European Commission's European Universities initiative, opens an external URL in a new window, which aims to modernise European higher education through collaboration.

The EULiST Conference in Vienna, opens an external URL in a new window was the first and foremost student-led event organized by the EULiST alliance. It brought together 200 students from the ten partner universities, primarily aiming to develop cutting-edge knowledge in advanced technological topics and improve soft skills.

Successful RDM session

In their interactive workshop “Introduction to Research Data Management”, Florina Piroi and Tomasz Miksa introduced the students to the basic concepts of research data management. The main topics they covered were the FAIR principles, Open Science, machine-actionability, data repositories, persistent identifiers, licenses, and metadata.

During the session, Tomasz and Florina conducted surveys that revealed good awareness among students of the importance of managing data, regardless of their domain and academic background. All of them agreed with the statement that they work with data. The types of data they work with include open government data, images, audio, measurements, structured text data, and time series, correlating with their diverse backgrounds in biotechnology, computer science, energy technology, musicology, electrical engineering, and data science. According to the responses, most universities have repositories for publications, but only a few have data repositories like TU Wien Research Data, opens an external URL in a new window.

What’s next?

The TU Wien Center for Research Data Management is the Co-Lead for the EULiST Task 4.2 – Synergies and R&I Infrastructure. The task supports high-quality, transdisciplinary research, education, and training by providing and supporting equal, effective, and quality-driven access to R&I infrastructures like tools, data, platforms, and labs across the alliance. Topics like open platforms such as data repositories are further being discussed within the consortium. Students and early career researchers will, therefore, continue to benefit from developments and collaboration.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna