All news at TU Wien

EU Research Mobility Actions for Host Organisations

The European and International Research Support invites experienced researchers to the seminar „Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions in Horizon 2020 - How to Write a Proposal for MSCA Innovative Training Networks (ITN-2019)“.

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Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (MSCA-ITN) offers to the institutes of TU Wien the possibility to gain early-stage researchers from abroad for a joint research training or doctoral programme within an international consortium of host organisations.

The purpose is to point out the essential criteria for a successful application for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN-2019) and to share the experiences of an successful applicant. In addition, the Research & Innovation Participant Portal will be presented as the central e-tool in Horizon 2020.

The target audience are experienced researchers at TU Wien who want to recruit and supervise early-stage researchers from abroad as project coordinator or project partner within the framework of a MSCA Innovativve Training Network (ITN).

Date: Thursday, 4 October 2018, 09:00 - 12:00 h
Venue: TU Wien, Campus Gußhaus, Gußhausstraße 27-29, Kontaktraum, 6th floor

For more information and registration please contact:

TU Wien
European and International Research Support (E058-01)
Mag. Ann-Christin Kehrberg
Resselgasse 3/staircase 2/3rd floor
T: +43 1 58801 41567