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ETIA Talks – Report on an excursion to the Ban Ki-Moon Centre

On 29 January 2020, the student society “ETIAtalks” had the greatest pleasure of being invited to visit the Ban Ki-Moon Centre for Global Citizens in Vienna for another thrilling excursion.

ETIATalks Ban Ki Moon Centre

The Centre is focusing on works within the framework of the SDGs, particularly for women and youth, focusing on leadership and mediation for promoting peace; empowering women and youth and education for Global Citizenship. During the visit, the students exchanged with CEO Monika Froehler about the role of female and youth engagement in decision-making in achieving the SDGs in a world of Global Citizens. Ms. Froehler illustrated this by quoting “my country first should move forward to a rather Global Citizenship”. 


The focus of the discussions was the education for girls and on how to adapt and mitigate effects of climate change. Therefore, a question arises: why youth and women? Did you know, that 50% of world's population is below the age of 27 and 50% of the population are female? Summing up, these are around 75% of the population, who are not completely included in the decision-making. The “Quasi International Organization”, is an important movement in achieving the SDGs and it showed the student body different perspectives, concepts and solutions on how to combat climate change. The effects of climate change certainly do not stop at human-kind made national borders.


This student organized excursion was only one of many more to come in this academic year. We are looking forward to other interesting events with ETIAtalks. 

(Report by ETIA13 Student Fabian Kracmar)