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Biofluidslab at the XLV ESAO - Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs in Madrid, September 12-15, 2018.

Michael Harasek, Margit Gföhler, Paul Ecker, Benjamin Lukitsch and two other Participants of ESAO 2018 in front of an ESAO Rollup

Biofluidslab was present at the ESAO '18 with three contributions:

M. Harasek, B. Lukitsch, M.N. de Pinho, M.C. Faria Besteiro, T.M. Eusebio, M. Gfoehler:"O2 and CO2 mass transfer in blood oxygenators and artificial lung devices.", The International Journal of Artificial Organs, Vil 41,9, p.589, 2018.

B. Lukitsch, M. Gfoehler, C. Janeczek, P. Ecker, A. Karabegovic, F. Huber-Dangl, C. Krenn, R. Ullrich, M. Harasek: "CFD simulation of blood gas transport in a hollow fiber membrane packing for design optimization of an intracorporeal membrane oxygenator.", The International Journal of Artificial Organs, Vil 41,9, p.589, 2018.

C. Janeczek , P. Ecker, F. Huber-Dangl, A. Karabegovic, B. Lukitsch, M. Harasek, C. Jordan, B. Haddadi, R. Ullrich, M. Gföhler: "The minimally invasive liquid lung catheter: in-vitro results in a model environment.",  The International Journal of Artificial Organs, Vol 41,9, p.524, 2018.