All news at TU Wien

Renewal of the Software Distributions Server (SWD)

The Software Distributions Server (SWD) is now available at a new address with different login information.

As a first step in the renewal of the software distributions at the TU Wien, the distributions server (SWD) was re-implemented with 'state of the art' technology and is now available with high availability. At the same time, the stand-alone password for the SWD was replaced by the upTUdate login.

To log in to the SWD, you no longer need a separate password, but your upTUdate account. The new SWD is now available at the new address \\\staff, opens in new window.

When logging in, please use the notation intern\name abbreviation (e.g. intern\ttester) for the name and your upTUdate password. A detailed description of how to connect to the new SWD can be found on the homepage, opens an external URL in a new window.

The old SWD (accessible at \\\products, opens in new window) will be maintained in parallel until May 31, 2021, in order to be able to handle the changeover without time pressure. Please note, however, that the content of the old SWD will no longer be changed; new imports will be performed exclusively at the new SWD. We therefore recommend using and saving the new address with immediate effect.

Please note:

Until further notice, the standalone SWD password will only be used for activating Microsoft products and will be replaced by an SSO procedure there as well in the course of the year, thus becoming obsolete.