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Erasmus+ Open Science training week in Rome

In Rome, the city of visible history, the second of three training weeks to be held as part of the TrainRDM project took place at Sapienza University.

The picture shows Samah Jaber taking a selfie of herself and three colleagues sitting at a table next to her with their laptops and looking towards the camera.

Mission completed: TU Wien team during Open Science training week in Sapienza University of Rome l Photo: Samah Jaber

The training program which was developed by the TrainRDM project partners UPB, opens an external URL in a new window, TU Wien, NCI, opens an external URL in a new window and La Sapienza, opens an external URL in a new window, aimed to deliver awareness and knowledge of open science and develop open science relevant skills for early stage researchers. The five-day event was held at the premises of La Sapienza from 12th to 16th September 2022 and was conducted in a hybrid format. 14 people from all partner institutions participated on site, 3 people followed online.

The third training week will target PhD students and take place in Bucharest in March 2023.

Topics presented by the project partners

UPB presented open science concepts and principles as well as materials and then gave a live exercise on reproducible research and reproducible science using Jupyter Hub and Binder. Participants from TU Wien presented the FAIR principles, software licenses and data management plans. They also explained what a data repositories and trusted research environments are and how they can support researchers. To show concrete functionalities, they presented a demo of TU Wien Research Data (Test Instance), opens an external URL in a new window.

NCI provided an overview of data governance and management and explained how to get students involved with data governance. They also provided an overview of the ethical, legal, and social implications of using data-driven technologies, best practices to ethical and regulatory requirements for data handling and technical solutions that enhance fairness, accountability, and transparency in algorithmic decision-making systems.

La Sapienza presented how universities can implement and benefit from open innovation, and showed a case study of the impact of the patent process in a new young start-up (from laboratory intuition to the patenting of new technologies).

Overview of all covered topics

  • Open Concepts and Principles, Open Access to Published Research Results
  • Open Research Data and Materials
  • Open Research Software
  • Reproducible Research and Data Analysis, Open Licensing and Files
  • Reproducible science using Jupyter Notebooks and Binder
  • Collaborative Platforms
  • The FAIR principles
  • Repositories for research data and trusted research environments
  • InvenioRDM
  • Software Licenses
  • Data Management Plans (DMPs)
  • Data Governance and Data Management
  • Privacy and Data Protection
  • Ethical Issues Pertaining to Data
  • Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency of Algorithmic Systems
  • Open Innovation for HEIs
  • The exploitation of research results: from patent filing to academic entrepreneurial culture
  • Proof of Concept: an academic model of IPR Investment
  • Tools for Open Innovation - Canvas, Theory of Change, PEST model, crowdfunding
  • The RRIstart project - a novel model for responsible startups and impact

Materials for download

All presentations, video recordings and exercises of the Rome training week were uploaded to an open repository with a CC-BY 4.0 license:, opens an external URL in a new window

Further Information

Project website:, opens an external URL in a new window

Twitter: @trainrdm

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Erasmus+ Open Science training week, opens an external URL in a new window

TrainRDM contacts at TU Wien


TrainRDM – Open Science and Research Data Management Innovative and Distributed Training Programme has been funded with support from the European Commission. Project ID: 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080170