All news at TU Wien

Elevator Pitch - Why study spatial planning?

What does studying spatial planning have to do with the climate ticket, school buses, wind farms or the Hohe Tauern National Park? And how can it happen that you suddenly get snowed in during your studies?

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Warum Raumplanung studieren? | Theresa und Martin

Theresa Janesch und Martin Aufhauser vom Forschungsbereich Regionalplanung und Regionalentwicklung, erzählen, warum es sich lohnt an der TU Wien Raumplanung und Raumordnung zu studieren.

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Zwei Personen sitzen auf einem Sofa und halten eine Weltkarte hoch, auf der mehrere Orte verzeichnet sind.

© TU Wien TV

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Theresa Janesch und Martin Aufhauser stellen der Forschungsbereich für Regionalplanung und Regionalentwicklung vor.

Our colleagues Theresa Janesch and Martin Aufhauser, tell in a 2-minute elevator pitch, what the research area of "Regional Development and Regional Planning" is all about and specifically pursue the question "Why study spatial planning?". The two present an exciting mix of cross-border excursions at a national and international level, projects, as well as fun facts from their studies.

Hier findest du die gekürzte Version des Videos auf Instagram, opens an external URL in a new window und hier die längere Version auf Youtube, opens an external URL in a new window – reinschauen lohnt sich!


Are you interested in studying "Spatial Planning and Development"?

Currently, the deadline for online registration for the admission procedure of the Bachelor's program "Spatial Planning and Development" has been extended until August 1, 2022. Here you can find more informationen, opens in new window about the registration. 

Here you can apply directly: Online admission procedure, opens an external URL in a new window