All news at TU Wien

Introduction to TU data repository

Representatives of the FAIR2Environment project gave insights into the status quo of the TU Wien data repository which is currently in implementation process. The focus of the presentation was set on the usage of the repository as a platform for publishing (geo-)data.

Woman sitting in front of computer showing dataset

Alina Reichert with a dataset from the geosciences | Photo: Florian Wörister

On the 1st of June, officials of several institutes of TU Vienna were invited to an online event to get informed about the current state of the TU Wien data repository. Based on InvenioRDM, TU Data aims to provide all active members of TU Wien a space for storing, sharing and publishing research data. One big goal of the repository is the compliance of uploaded records and datasets with the FAIR principles, which stand for findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable data. This is achieved through clear licensing and rich metadata in a standardized and machine-actionable format. By following these principles standards are established which eliminate the red tape for reusing data and therefore contribute to interdisciplinary collaborations.

The workshop was moderated by Matthias Schramm, who coordinates the FAIR2Environment project. Besides the technical background of the project also the customers’ point of view was illuminated. Therefore, Alina Reichert from the Microwave Remote Sensing Group exemplified the process from generating metadata to publishing a record in the course of a short presentation. In the following discussion with the experts of the Center for Research Data Management, Barbara Sanchez Solis and Maximilian Moser, the participants were encouraged to provide some feedback and place their wishes and expectations. As TU Data is still under development, this was the chance to intervene in the final version of the repository. Obviously, there is great interest in the issue and a demand for a TU Wien internal platform for data publication.

The first datasets have already been published and can be accessed via the corresponding DOI. The Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management provided a time series of MODIS snow cover maps over Austria (, opens an external URL in a new window) and the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation published a dataset of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) derived by microwave remote sensing (, opens an external URL in a new window). The entirety of records already available can be retrieved under, opens an external URL in a new window.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (DG), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien