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Eco-Mobility 2021: Sustainable Propulsion Concepts and Energy Carriers for Carbon-Neutral Future: EUROPE AS FRONTRUNNER

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Eco-Mobility 2021

On November 18 and 19, 2021, the 16th International A3PS Conference (Austrian Association for Advanced Propulsion Systems), opens an external URL in a new window  - was held to discuss current and future trends in the automotive industry.  A total of almost 400 leading representatives from 19 countries from industry, research and development as well as from technology participated on-site in Vienna at the Strabag Art Forum or online to exchange information about current developments and market introduction of efficient propulsion concepts and sustainable energy sources. At the 15th anniversary of this conference all participants were connected by several challenging but forward-looking topics: the European Green Deal, climate-neutral mobility and collaboration across scientific disciplines, supply chains and national borders.

Dr. Gerd Hillenbrand, Director Strategy of ZF eMotors, actively participated as a keynote speaker at this event and spoke about the challenge of electrification and the vision to achieve zero-carbon powertrains and zero-carbon manufacturing in 2040. The conference featured 16 research papers in four sessions: Primary Energy & Energy Sources, Passenger Mobility, Commercial Vehicles and Resources, Recycling & LCS. Furthermore, the latest work on battery-powered electric vehicles, lightweight designs not only for passenger cars but also for heavy-duty commercial vehicles were presented, renewable fuels and biofuels were also topics of the event. In addition, the research and application of hydrogen energy also played an important role.

Mobility is currently undergoing a phase of fundamental change. Technologies and innovations are key factors in shaping our mobile future and innovative approaches to solutions for the mobility infrastructures of tomorrow. The automotive industry is also being re-shaped by technological developments. Connected cars, autonomous driving and e-mobility are just some of the current trends in the automotive and supplier industry.


A3PS Chairman DI Hanno Miorini and A3PS CEO Dr. Michael Nöst are lecturers within the TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education (TUW ACE) Tech MBA programs Automotive Industry and Mobility Transformation and contribute their professional know-how from practical experience exactly to these programs.

In his lecture at the MBA Automotive Industry, Mr. Miorini, as a long-time industry expert, provides insights into real-world contracts between OEMs and suppliers and helps students choose the right actions to take when signing a contract. In his lecture on charging infrastructure in the MBA Mobility Transformation, Dr. Nöst supports students to develop and implement charging infrastructure, considering technological, economic, legal and organizational frameworks to realize affordable zero-emission mobility.

A3PS and TU Wien ACE are working intensively together to train the leaders of tomorrow. With the support of science and practice, business and technology, these leaders will acquire and train necessary skills to successfully lead their companies in an uncertain and complex environment to achieve zero-emission mobility.



The "Austrian Association for Advanced Propulsion Systems" (A3PS,, opens an external URL in a new window) was founded in 2006 by the BMVIT and since then supports the innovation process of advanced propulsion technologies in research and development. It has a well-established strategic partnership with companies and research institutions and upholds that sustainable propulsion systems are becoming more and more important and play an important role in the transformation of mobility.

Reference. Eco-Mobility 2021 - 15 Years A3PS | A3PS, opens an external URL in a new window