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Dr. Rodrigo Rosa-Medina Honored with ETH Medal for Doctoral Thesis

Dr. Rodrigo Rosa-Medina, a postdoctoral researcher in the quantum information group at the Atominstitut (ATI), has been awarded the prestigious ETH Medal on January 24th for his outstanding doctoral thesis. This honor is bestowed upon fewer than 8% of doctoral theses in each field at ETH Zurich, highlighting the exceptional quality of his work.

raduation ceremony

The award was presented to Rodrigo in recognition of his dissertation titled "Exploring Coherent and Dissipative Spin Dynamics with Superradiant Quantum Gases," under the supervision of Prof. Tilman Esslinger [1]. His research involved a series of experiments using Bose-Einstein condensates coupled to a high-finesse optical cavity, exploring emergent dissipative and coherent spin dynamics. Dr. Rosa-Medina's work revealed novel dissipative phase transitions [2], superradiant tunneling in synthetic lattices [3], and the generation of nonclassical atom pairs from stimulated vacuum fluctuations [4].

Currently, Rodrigo is working as a postdoctoral researcher in the quantum information group at ATI, where he supervises the construction of a programmable quantum-gas microscope for fermionic and bosonic lithium atoms [5]. This novel platform will enable the fast preparation of a few atoms in reconfigurable lattice systems, paving the way for new quantum simulation experiments, from strongly correlated topological physics to frustrated quantum magnetism.

Congratulations to Dr. Rodrigo Rosa-Medina on this remarkable achievement and for his continued contributions to the field of ultracold atoms.


[1] Rosa-Medina,  "Exploring Dissipative and Coherent Spin Dynamics with Superradiant Quantum Gases.",  PhD diss., ETH Zurich (2023)., opens an external URL in a new window

[2] Ferri*, Rosa-Medina*, et al. Physical Review X 11, 041046 (2021), opens an external URL in a new window

[3] Rosa-Medina*,Ferri*, et. al. Physical Review Letters 128, 143602 (2022), opens an external URL in a new window

[4] Finger*, Rosa-Medina*, et al. Physical Review Letters 132, 093402 (2024), opens an external URL in a new window

[5] Lithium Lab, Quantum Information Group, ATI:, opens an external URL in a new window