All news at TU Wien

DMP Update: News from funding agencies and DAMAP

You are cordially invited to the last RDM in Austria webinar of the year on 20.12.2022.

 Young woman at a desk with laptop, coffee mug and notepad.

Photo: BullRun -

In the workshop "DMP Update: Neues von Fördergebern und DAMAP", representatives of the Austrian funding bodies FWF and FFG report on their requirements on data management for research projects and new developments in the processing of data management plans (DMPs).

In the second part, you will have the opportunity to get to know the TU Wien DMP Tool, which is based on the open source software DAMAP, opens an external URL in a new window and supports researchers at TU Wien in creating data management plans.

The webinar will be held in German.


About the Event Series

Depending on the topic, the event series Research Data Management in Austria, opens an external URL in a new window is aimed at researchers, service providers, or people involved in research support. It serves networking and exchange on RDM topics, such as data management plans, next generation repositories, or established workflow models.

More information and registration

Please visit the event website, opens an external URL in a new window for more information and registration.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien