All news at TU Wien

Diplomingenieur Paul Haidegger

In his master thesis, Paul Haidegger has worked out new methods for surface structure search, in the framework of the ViPErLEED project. He has obtained the Master's degree ( “Diplomingenieur”) now.

Paul Haidegger with his thesis advisors Michael, Alex and Michele

© Stefan Uttentaler

Paul Haidegger with his thesis advisors Michael, Alex and Michele

The thesis Evolutionary and Gradient-Based Optimization Methods in Tensor LEED by Paul Haidegger describes an optimization procedure used to determine surface structures by LEED-I(V), opens an external URL in a new window (Low-energy electron diffraction with measurement of energy-dependent diffraction intensities and comparison with simulations). Paul has implemented new ways of structure optimization; especially the calculation of gradients of the target function (the R factor) using JAX was very successful. The computing time for a problem of medium complexity could be reduced from 7½ hours to 13 minutes!

Paul successfully defended his thesis and passed the final exam today. Congratulations!