All news at TU Wien

Start your real estate studies this fall!

Last chance to complete a master's degree without a first academic degree or a university course without a Matura.

Scrabbleboard mit den Wörtern Lifelong Learning

Starting in October 2023, new admission requirements for continuing education studies will go into effect. The changes mean that admission to a master's program will only be possible with a first academic degree. And a general university entrance qualification will be required for participation in a university course. Before these and some other changes are implemented for the continuing education programs at the TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education, the real estate programs will start one last time still with the previous framework conditions.

TU Wien has been offering customized continuing education at university level for almost 35 years and has produced more than 1200 experts for the real estate industry.

The main strengths of these courses are:

  • The courses have been specifically developed with experts from practice and theory to meet the needs of the industry.
  • The courses combine theory and practice and provide students with immediate input for the small and large tasks of everyday work.
  • The courses are supported and backed by an outstanding network.

In summary, TU Wien ACE's real estate courses will provide you with in-depth knowledge, expand your network and prepare you for upcoming challenges in the industry by giving you new perspectives.
Take the opportunity now to start your further education in September. Applications are still possible for all courses.

Here you will find more information about our real estate programs:

The entire portfolio of the TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education can be found on our homepage.