All news at TU Wien

The login to Citavi may currently fail

A problem on the side of Citavi can currently cause errors during SSO login

Update from 22.04.2022

Since Citavi has not been able to improve the registration problem for 5 months and cannot provide a time estimate for the fix, TU Vienna will withdraw from the contract at the end of May 2022. Please save all online data until this date. Endnote, opens an external URL in a new window will remain in the program as an alternative to Citavi.

Update from 14.04.2022

The manufacturer has switched the new connection live, but this does not solve the problem at our university. Furthermore, due to the takeover by an Australian company, the manufacturer is currently not in a position to solve the problem in the short term. The TU Wien is therefore examining the options for an early exit from the current contract.

Update from 21.03.2022

The manufacturer has a new SSO connection in internal tests and hopes to make the application available again in the next few days.

Original message

We have detected a failure in SSO login to Citavi and Citavi is aware of the issue. The fault is likely to be on Citavi side and we are assisting Citavi in fixing the issue.