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Ph.D. defense Dana Daneshvar

We congratulate, Dr.techn. Dana Daneshvar, for successfully defending his doctoral thesis with distinction! He wrote his dissertation on "Sustainable multi-layerd concrete composites: optimization of materials, time-dependent characteristics and perfromance assessment". We wish you all the best for your future endeavours!

[Translate to English:] PhD Dana Daneshvar und Die Prüfungsausschuss

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[Translate to English:] Von links nach rechts: Univ.-Prof. Behrouz Shafei (externe Gutachter, Iowa State University), Univ.Prof. Oliver Englhardt (Gutachter, TU Wien), Dana Daneshvar, Agathe Robisson (Betreuerin), Univ.Prof. Rudolf Heuer (Vorsitzender des Ausschusses).

Dr. Daneshvar, Examination Committee, and Research Group.

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We congratulate, Dr.techn. Dana Daneshvar, for successfully defending his doctoral thesis with distinction! He wrote his dissertation on "Sustainable multi-layerd concrete composites: optimization of materials, time-dependent characteristics and perfromance assessment". We wish you all the best for your future endeavours!

The jury consisted of: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Behrouz Shafei (external reviewer, Iowa State University), Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Oliver Englhardt (reviewer, TU Wien), Univ.-Prof. Agathe Robisson, Ph.D. (advisor), Ao. Univ.-Prof. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Rudolf Heuer (committee chairman).