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The aspern.mobil.LAB presents prototypes at the "Smart City Open Day"!

How does a backpack that vibrates when the CO2-levels are too high function? Pupils could try ...

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How does a backpack that vibrates when the CO2-levels are too high function? Pupils could try out the backpack and other latest environmental sensor prototypes developed by the aspern.mobil.LAB team themselves at the "Smart City Open Day" on 29th January 2020.

At the participatory exhibition on 29th January "Smart City Open Day, opens an external URL in a new window" of the Smart City Agency of Urban Innovation pupils aged 10 to 14 could learn more about the topic Smart City during lectures and workshops at the Wiener Planwerkstatt.

An environmental sensor prototype developed in the mobility laboratory aspern.mobil LAB, opens an external URL in a new window, which vibrates when CO2 emissions are too high, was also presented to the pupils. Packed in a rucksack, the sensor could be tested on site and was met with interest from the young audience.

Michael Habiger from aspern.mobil LAB explains how the backpack works in this article by W24:

W24 article on the "Smart City Open Day", opens an external URL in a new window

[Last updated: 2020-01-30]