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CSH Colloquium on June 07: Improving Resilience in Complex Systems

Resilience: Exploring the concept

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Jun 07, 2018
Boecklsaal at TU Wien
Karlsplatz 13, Stair 1, 1st floor
Vienna, 1040

After a short welcome by Frank Schweitzer the concept of resilience will be described from three different perspectives (45 minutes each):

15:00–16:00 Resilience of Social Organisations
Frank Schweitzer
Chair of Systems Design, ETH Zürich
16:00–16:45 Dancing with the Dynamics: Social-ecological Systems
Insights for Sustainable Development
Odirilwe Selomane
Stockholm Resilience Centre
16:45–17:30 Elimination of Systemic Risk in Financial Networks
Stefan Thurner
Complexity Science Hub Vienna & Medical University of Vienna
17:30–18:00 Wine & Water & Words

This CSH Colloquium is organized by Frank Schweitzer, opens an external URL in a new window, ETH Zurich, and Stefan Thurner, opens an external URL in a new window <link https: _blank link_extern>CSH Vienna.

<link http: event csh-colloquium-resilience _blank link_extern>