All news at TU Wien

Coronavirus – Update: December 2020 and January 2021

Coronavirus: Statusupdate for December 2020 and January 2021.

TU Wien Hauptgebäude

In consideration of the current statements of the Federal Government (as of 02.12.20), no further adjustments are necessary for our university operations. This means that the existing regulations of TU Wien remain in place for the time being and until 31 January 2021. Thank you for your support:, opens an external URL in a new window

Here is an overview of the status quo at TU Wien:

Study and teaching

  • 90 percent of the approximately 2,000 courses have been transformed into distance learning formats or can be completed on site as laboratory exercises. Distance learning is extended until the end of the semester.
  • The online examination offer is also being continuously expanded with high intensity and great commitment. Lecturers receive support from the Distance Learning Team if required. The suspension of attendance examinations in the winter semester is due to the fact that the TUW wants to implement a forward-looking, secure and plannable online examination offer. Since February 2021 is a particularly uncertain time for planning and offers considerably less time for catching up on examinations than the summer holidays, the available resources must be allocated in an optimised way for attendance examinations. However, it cannot be ruled out that these will have to be converted to an online format at very short notice due to sudden tightening of the restrictions. Therefore, appropriate online formats must be prepared for all attendance tests. Preparation is everything and the situation can only be mastered by a joint effort of students and teachers.
  • Students who have compliments, suggestions, wishes, criticism or complaints about studyability should please use the "mailbox":


The previous approach in research operations will be maintained.

Home office

All employees who can do their work from home remain in the home office in consultation with their direct supervisor (UV). For work that requires presence at the TU Wien workplace, employees are still entitled to enter the TU Wien buildings in the coming weeks in agreement with their supervisor.

On Campus

  • The obligatory QR Code registration when entering TU Wien buildings must be carried out conscientiously.
  • The known safety and security measures are to be observed by all members of TU Wien: Compliance with the minimum safety distance, wearing a mask in the public areas of TU Wien and general hygiene requirements!
  • Masks and disinfectants: For materials useful for COVID-19 prevention (FFP2 masks, disinfectants), please request as usual from GuT

Obligation to report for employees and students

The existing approach will be maintained:

Population-wide testing

If you make use of this offer, please note that the test is a snapshot of the infection status and that general protective measures (distance, hygiene, mask) must be observed in general and at the TUW workplace regardless of the test result!

Thank you very much for your caution and best regards,

The Rectorate