All news at TU Wien

Corona-Update: Outlook winter semester 2021/22

Teaching in winter semester 2021/22.

[Translate to English:] TU Wien Hauptgebäude im Hintergrund. Im Vordergrund Text: Covid-19 Info, Update 25.05.21

First and foremost, we would like to thank you all for your dedication. Overall, the past year was an example of excellent cooperation between the faculties, the central departments and the students of our university.

From the current perspective, it is not yet foreseeable what the concrete framework conditions will be for the winter semester 2021/22. However, distance rules and hygiene measures will still have to be observed, and a tightening of the measures may come into force again at any time.

Forward planning for the winter semester 2021/22 is therefore necessary. Currently, we have to assume a maximum of half the available auditorium capacity. The Rectorate has therefore taken the decision to use hybrid formats again for the coming winter semester.

The main cornerstones are:

  • First-year students are given a good introduction to university life at the TUW. To this aim, as many course units as possible of the compulsory teaching of the first two years of study should be completeable in attendance or hybrid formats.
  • Laboratory exercises (LU) and practical courses (PR) with an approved safety concept can continue to be held on site without approval.
  • Examinations, especially major examination dates, must be offered online - if no face-to-face examination is possible due to capacities.
  • Distance learning will also be necessary in some cases in the winter semester.

This results in the following concept for the winter semester 2021/22:

  • Courses that can be completed in a distance learning format should remain in this format.
  • Courses from the 1st semester and 3rd semester of the Bachelor's degree programmes are to be held mostly in presence or hybrid format, especially in the first weeks.
  • The decision on further face-to-face courses is still the responsibility of the Vice-Rector Academic Affairs. An application must still be submitted for this. (Exceptions: 1st and 3rd semester Bachelor's programmes, as well as LU and PR). Link to the application:
  • The system of semester lecture halls will be maintained. This means that students will have to change rooms less often, which increases studyability and facilitates the coordination of necessary cleaning, etc.
  • The timetable coordinators determine the cohort regulations for the first years of study. In mid-June, the central teaching and learning room management will send out a corresponding announcement.

Thank you for your dedication and understanding!