All news at TU Wien

"CO2Refinery: CO2 wirtschaftlich wiederverwerten" Industry-Kick-Off

[Translate to English:] CO2Refinery Kick-off-Ankündigung

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[Translate to English:] Michael Harasek - Leiter der CO2Refinery

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[Translate to English:] PhD1 Florian Müller

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[Translate to English:] PhD3 Julia Piotrowska

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[Translate to English:] PhD7 Alexander Bartik

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[Translate to English:] die Postersession

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[Translate to English:] die Postersession

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[Translate to English:] die Postersession

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On September 26, the industry-kick-off event called “CO2Refinery: CO2 wirtschaftlich wiederverwerten” took place at TutheSky. Many business representatives attended this event on the highest floor of the Plus-Energy-Office building with a fantastic view over Vienna to get first impressions of the doctoral college. The event was sponsored by “Wirtschaftskammer Wien” and moderated by Marie-Kathleen Jimenez-Mühlbacher (Förderberatung und Wirtschaftskooperationen).

Michael Harasek, the head of CO2Refinery, started the event with a brief introduction and overview. The first part afterwards consisted of lightning pitches of the individual PhD projects with a short Q&A session. For the second part, posters had been prepared and the interested audience could engage in discussions with the ESRs (early stage researchers).