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Call Jahrbuch Raumplanung 2022

The Yearbook Spatial Planning publishes scientific contributions on current topics of spatial research and practice. The aim is to position and raise the profile of the Institute of Spatial Planning at the Vienna University of Technology, to promote discourse and the exchange of knowledge within planning and with related disciplines of knowledge, as well as the dialogue between the spatial sciences and planning practice.

Topics and focal points for 2022
Planning and spatial effects of social infrastructures Contributions deal with social infrastructures from different disciplinary perspectives and address their relevance for spatial planning. Social infrastructures in the major areas of health, education, care and nursing, culture and social security, among others, form a cornerstone of services of general interest and pursue a variety of social, socio-political and economic policy as well as regional objectives.

Open topics
In addition to the thematic focus, contributions can be submitted to all areas of research and planning at the Institute of Spatial Planning.

Submission of contributions & peer review
Possible forms of contributions are theoretical and empirical papers, implementation-oriented papers as well as practical reports, which are scientifically embedded and critically-reflexively deal with the annual topic. Contributions should have a length of 4,000 to max. 8,000 words and can be written in German or English.
We especially call on young scientists and planners to submit papers in order to support them in their publication efforts!
The reviewing of papers will take place in stages, from submission, commenting and acceptance of abstracts by the editors, to peer review of papers by reviewers and the editors.

Deadlines & Procedure
Abstracts (max. 300 words) can be submitted until November 30, 2021!
The decision on the acceptance of contributions will be made by December 22, 20021. Submissions can then be made until March 13, 2022. Review comments from the editors* will be sent to the authors no later than April 15, 2022. Final revisions will be made by May 15, 2022.
The complete book manuscript will be submitted to the publisher by the end of May 2022. Thereafter, an external reviewing process will begin, and in case of critical comments, the authors will be contacted again by July 15, 2022, and asked to revise the manuscript by August 30, 2022.
Expected publication date of the yearbook: end of November 2022.

Please send submissions and queries to: Michael Getzner (

Please feel free to forward the call as a pdf, opens an external URL in a new window to your colleagues!