All news at TU Wien

Austrian National Committee of the IWA

Group photo from the IWA austria

IWA Austria

This year's General Assembly of the Austrian National Committee of the International Water Association, followed by ClubIWA 2024, took place on Monday. Many experts from various areas of the water sector, including Jörg Krampe, Gabriela , opens an external URL in a new windowEder and Julia Vierheilig from our team, came together at the Haus des Meeres. In addition to reports from the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition and the IWA Young Water Professionals Austria, the focus of ClubIWA this time was primarily on the topics of waterquality and wastewater surveillance, on which there were several keynote speeches from the ICC - Water & Health. We are delighted that our colleague Julia Vierheilig actively contributed to the exciting programme with her presentation ‘Municipal wastewater monitoring - practical implementation, possibilities and findings’.
Moreover, at this event, the new IWA Cluster Wastewater-Based Epidemiological Surveillance was presented:, opens an external URL
An inspiring day full of insights into the latest developments in the IWA network and valuable exchange with colleagues!
Many thanks to the management of IWA Austria consisting of ÖVGW - Österreichische Vereinigung für das Gas- und Wasserfach and ÖWAV - Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband for the excellent organisation of this great event.