All news at TU Wien

ATHENE UNBOUND - feministnetworking@TUWien

FemTUme, together with two other feminist networks of the TU Wien, was invited to a panel discussion on "feminist networking" as part of the the TUesdayLounge. Here you can watch the panel discussion!

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ATHENE UNBOUND - feministnetworking@TUWien

Why and for what purpose do women's networks or feminist networks exist at the faculties of the TU Wien? What makes them successful and what challenges do they face?

The three feminist faculty networks at TU Vienna - FemChem, opens an external URL in a new window (Faculty of Technical Chemistry), FemTUme (Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering) and Claiming*Spaces, opens an external URL in a new window (Faculty of Architecture and Planning) discussed these and other questions in the course of the TUesdayLounge, exchanged experiences and invited to network together afterwards.

We would like to thank TUesdayLounge and Sabine Köszegi for hosting and Dinah Gaffal for leading the panel discussion.