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Apply now to make use of our 15% Bonus and hear our Alumna’s reasons to study Renewables

Originally from Mexico, Elizabeth Rodriguez Bringas graduated from our international master’s program MSc Renewable Energy Systems in 2018. In this Alumni Video, she tells about her reasons to study Renewables. To apply for the program, use our online application form - applications until Dec. 31st can make use of a 15% Bonus!

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Alumni Spotlight: Elizabeth Bringas, MSc

With an economic background, Elizabeth Rodriguez Bringas especially benefited from the technical knowledge on Renewables and was able to expand her professional network in this field as well. Elizabeth is also holder of the “Best Study Award 2018”, which is given to the best graduate of each cohort.

Find out about her reasons to participate in the MSc Renewable Energy Systems, opens an external URL in a new window how the program helped her to understand not only the “happy version” of Renewables but also challenges and problems that might occur in day-to-day business.

Watch the Video, opens in new window

Deadline approaching – 15% Anniversary Bonus
Learn more about our future-oriented and interdisciplinary MSc Renewable Energy Systems , opens an external URL in a new windowand apply in time to take advantage of this Anniversary Offer!
Since 2005 the complementary strengths of TU Wien and Energiepark Bruck/Leitha make this MSc an outstanding opportunity to satisfy the global market demands and contribute to all aspects of renewable energy systems by educating the decision-makers of tomorrow.
In order to celebrate 15 years of MSc Renewable Energy Systems at TU Wien, we are offering a 15% bonus for all complete applications reaching us until December 31, 2020 and resulting in a participation in our next cohort (Start November 2021).

Find out more >> , opens an external URL in a new window