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a.o.Univ.Prof. Klaus Hoffmann (1943-2022): An obituary

The TU Wien and the Institute of Engineering Design and Product Development mourn the death of A.o.Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Klaus Hoffmann, who passed away on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at the age of 79.

Klaus Hoffmann was born on May 28, 1943. After graduating from high school, he studied mechanical engineering at the HTL in Salzburg and then at the then Vienna University of Technology. His professional career began at the Technical University as an assistant at the Institute for Materials Handling under Prof. Billich in January 1968. In the following years, he earned his doctorate and habilitation, so that he worked as a university lecturer at our institute from 1997 until he reached retirement age in 2008. He even remained with the institute after retirement in the position of project assistant until June 2011.

Klaus Hoffmann was a very valuable collaborator in research and teaching. His knowledge of measurement technology was also particularly valuable for the research work in our laboratory. He gave lectures, supervised diploma and PhD students and thus passed on his excellent knowledge to students. He was also active at the Austrian Standards Institute, opens an external URL in a new window - especially in the technical standards committee for continuous conveyors. Together with two other experts from the materials handling industry, he was the author of a book on materials handling technology, which also served as a textbook in higher technical colleges.

He was also active in higher education politics for many years as a representative of our faculty in the Senate. Several times he held the position of the head of the institute, whereby the institute changed its name more often in the course of time: 1985-86 as the head of the Institute for General Mechanical Engineering and Materials Handling, 1999-2006 as the head of the Institute for Engineering Design and Materials Handling, which from 2004 was called the Institute for Engineering Design and Technical Logistics.

In addition to all his valuable achievements in research and teaching, it must be emphasized in particular that Klaus Hoffmann, with his character, was to a certain extent "a good spirit" of the institute, who contributed enormously to an excellent working atmosphere and sense of community. As a nature-loving sportsman, he was also something like the institute's sports administrator: fixed points in the spring were the trip with the cog railroad to the Schneeberg, ascent with climbing skins or, when there was less snow, carrying the skis to the Fischerhaus and descent - very often the Breite Ries - and descent to Losenheim. Further fixed points were around the Leopolditag in November a Vienna forest excursion and in the later years bicycle trips in May or June.

With melancholy and gratitude for his professional achievements and the friendly cooperation we take leave of him.

Bruno Grösel
Emeritus Professor at the Institute of Engineering Design and Product Development

Foto Ao. Prof. Klaus Hoffmann

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Foto Ao. Prof. Klaus Hoffmann